

For high school seniors graduating this spring and going on to college in the fall.

2024年新品! - Experiential programming for transitioning from student to adulthood

Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 27, 2024*
*Classes will be held on Friday and residence halls will close at noon on Saturday the 29th.


$4,160, plus $150 refundable damage deposit
(Cost includes double occupancy residence hall room, meals, and 活动.)



What You Gain from a Summer at Landmark College

Our 暑期大学预备课程, for college-bound high school graduates, is all about preparation—through practice and exposure—for that crucial first semester of college. 这也是关于 understanding the changing role of a high school student to a college student. Even the most high-achieving students often face unanticipated difficulties in their first semester of college possibly putting them at risk for failure or struggle. Problems often arise not from a lack of academic abilities, but from the enormous jump in independence required in a college environment.

Students are immersed in a living/learning experience that offers a real “taste” of college life and the college-level work they will encounter in the fall. They develop a clear understanding of their personal learning strengths and needs, and discover how resources and self-advocacy can support their success in college. This preview of college life can help to alleviate anxiety and foster the confidence needed as students encounter the new demands of college.


This program is designed to help students who want to:

  • Learn to articulate individual learning issues that need attention
  • Identify the specific supports and accommodations they’ll need in college—and how to access them
  • Experience a typical introductory college-level lecture class
  • Learn and practice self-advocacy skills they’ll need to navigate through their freshman year
  • 运用组织能力, 有用的习惯, and useful behaviors needed to succeed at college—and identify problem habits and behaviors that might surface during their first year
  • 开始…的过程 transitioning from an adolescent to a young adult

Students who struggle with social anxiety and have difficulty making friends have the option of participating in social support 活动, including social pragmatic workshops and student affairs events. Resident assistants are available as peer mentors to provide information about 活动 and to help students feel connected to the Landmark community.

Rite of Passage: Transition to Adulthood

2024年夏季新品 Through experiential programming students will begin to understand and embrace their transition from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Students will gain interpersonal and practical skills while exploring their own values and designing a service project to bring change to a community they care about.

  1. Programming will introduce students to the Rite of Passage (RoP) framework and mindset, and will facilitate skill development, by developing an executable service project.
  2. Advising meetings and academic courses will introduce fundamental skills and ideas that will support and supplement work on the RoP service project.
  3. The co-curricular programming will further support student by reinforcing associated skills and strategies to building off the lessons used elsewhere in addition to regular living and learning skills delivered as part of the 住宅 curriculum.


注意:为了进入这个项目, students must provide a letter of admission to a four-year college or university. A diagnosed learning disability is not required to enroll in this program.

金融援助 is available and awarded upon acceptance. Financial aid applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. 我们鼓励家长提交一份 申请经济资助 早期.

During this two-week program students will take three classes: College Writing, 执行能力 and Study Skills, 以及讲座式的课程. Some key areas of skill development include but are not limited to:

  • Applying 批判阅读 and thinking approaches to demonstrate comprehension of assigned topics and 阅读s.
  • Taking notes from lectures including note review and revision.
  • 写阅读的简短总结
  • Understanding the difference in expectations of high school level and collegiate level 写作 (summarization vs. 机)
  • Exploring various methods for completing an academic re搜索 paper
  • Organizing course materials using a system, for example, the Master Notebook system
  • Examining executive function behaviors as they relate to planning, 优先级, 生产, 以及任务的执行
  • Using self-advocacy skills to navigate the academic, 住宅, and social components of their freshman year experience.
“I appreciate the kindness and compassion of the Landmark faculty and staff. They ‘get’ these kids—they understand them. The Summer Transition Program was great preparation for the ‘real thing.’ My objectives were met: giving my son a taste of independent living in a college-like atmosphere.”
“Thank for the guidance that you all have provided our daughter. Her experience and the tools she acquired at Landmark will serve her well. I look forward to watching her continue to grow, learn, and blossom.”
“This program helped my son get a better handle on the work required at the college level. 到目前为止,在大学还不错! He feels ready to take on anything his professors throw at him. 谢谢你给我的美好体验!”
“Our son benefited very much having a dress rehearsal of what he might experience his freshman year and learning about advocating for his accommodations. It gave him confidence that he was, in fact, ready for college. And it helped us feel better about him leaving home. It was a reminder that he’s continuing to grow and achieve in spite of learning differences and personality differences.”
“The feedback at the end of the program was so helpful and reassuring!! Our son also told us of all the great experiences he had this 夏天. 我们将永远感激你。”
“Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend the Summer College Readiness program. I look forward to taking what I learned to college with me. 这改变了我的生活.”

This is a list of the colleges/universities that the Summer College Readiness students were accepted to:

  • 宾厄姆顿大学
  • 加州大学洪堡分校
  • 克拉克大学
  • 大学交流
  • 咖喱大学
  • 学院院长
  • 丹尼森大学
  • 伊士曼音乐学院
  • 费尔利·狄金森大学
  • 费里斯州立大学
  • 菲奇堡州立大学
  • 佛罗里达州立大学
  • 古彻学院
  • 国际人民学院
  • 马里斯特学院
  • 密歇根州立大学
  • 米德尔塞克斯社区学院
  • 摩根州立大学
  • 瑞米伦贝格大学
  • 诺威奇大学
  • 欧柏林大学
  • 佩斯大学
  • 圣路易斯大学
  • 索尔里贾纳大学
  • 萨拉劳伦斯学院
  • 南新罕布什尔大学
  • 纽约州立大学新帕尔茨分校
  • 天普大学
  • 中佛罗里达大学
  • 康涅狄格大学
  • 丹佛大学
  • 哈特福德大学
  • 伊利诺伊大学
  • 麻省大学洛厄尔分校
  • 新罕布什尔大学
  • 马里兰圣母大学
  • 南加州大学
  • 佛蒙特大学
  • 韦伯斯特大学
  • 西华盛顿大学
  • 韦斯特菲尔德州立大学
  • 威廉 & 玛丽

我们将与L合作大学成功中心 在圣马特奥, 加州将提供指导, 活动, and programming to help support students who would benefit from social pragmatic support. 除了, there will be social coaching opportunities, as well as parent meetings to supplement what the students will be learning. This support is open to all students.


  • Core Lecture Course—Issues in Today's World:
    In this two-week interdisciplinary course, we will examine several short 阅读s in contemporary culture that illustrate different issues under examination. During the lecture portion of this class, students will practice applying their critical thinking, 阅读, 写作, and notetaking skills introduced in their two other required courses: Executive Function and Study Skills and College Writing. Some of the topics included may be the use of Artificial Intelligence (A.1)大学生, 多样性 initiatives and College Enrollment practices, or social media and corporate responsibility, 举几个例子.

    执行能力 & 学习技巧:This course introduces the academic skills and habits essential for managing college-level courses. Students will learn strategies for improving executive functioning, 批判阅读, 和做笔记. Students will also have the opportunity to directly apply the strategies learned in this class to other classes that are part of the overall 夏天 program.

    This series of workshops is designed to help students understand what college teachers expect in terms of 写作, give students an opportunity to practice several approaches to short 写作 assignments, and advance students’ understanding of 写作 structure and process. Students will practice 写作-process strategies in the areas of generating, 组织, 总结, 分析, 合成, 起草, 和编辑. A major focus of the workshop is for students to develop and articulate an individual sense of their strengths and difficulties as writers and learners.

  • 工作日时间表样本

    Time 活动
    9 - 10:15 a.m 第一节课
    10:30 - 11:15 a.m. 第二课时
    中午至下午1时.m. 午餐在食堂/自由活动时间
    1:15 - 2:30 p.m. 第三课时
    2:45 p.m. Extracurricular / Small Group Advising
    5 - 7 p.m. 在食堂用餐/自由活动
    7 - 7:30 p.m.


    M T TH, & Fri: Social Activities, Free time, Laundry, Check-in's

    7:30 - 9 p.m. 学术准备 


    Students will join a call to get to know each other and the Readiness staff during a conversation about what it means to be steppong into adulthood and the increased responsibility that comes with more independence. After the call, students will be asked to complete some tasks to continue exploring these themes.

    Students will rejoin the group to share what they have learned. They will reflect on the process of transitioning into emerging adulthood and acting with intentionality to achieve their goals.

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